Our First Lady

Lady Stephanie Rogers is a native of Raleigh, North Carolina. She graduated with highest honors from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where she received a B.A. in Child & Family Development and the Birth-Kindergarten Teaching Certification Licensure. She celebrates 15 wonderful years of marriage to the love of her life, Dr. Gabriel Rogers and considers supporting her husband in ministry and raising godly children her primary and most fulfilling purpose in life. She is the blessed mother to one beautiful daughter, Lauren and three handsome sons, Gabriel Jr., Christian and Stephen.
Lady Rogers has a passionate love for God’s Word and ministering His truth. She is an anointed woman of God who loves the LORD Jesus Christ with all her heart. Her interest in ministry is to help women develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Since being here, I've grown in every area of my life...purity, faith & spiritual awareness.